Tuesday, March 20, 2007


This is Stephan wearing his nursing uniform AND the helmet they gave him last night at the Plevna Volunteer Firefighters meeting. So, they voted him in and his training begins any time he can answer one of the calls over the radio. They got him all geared up right on the spot, and he offered to powerwash all the trucks tomorrow (on his one day off of work this week). It all happened very quickly, so I didn't get any photos of all the trucks or other cool gear. I had always just imagined a Volunteer fire department as a truck and a few buckets, but here, the fire department is the biggest thing in town. Way bigger than the school. They have three or four buildings, a few garages, and I think about 12 trucks. I'll confirm that later.

They asked if I wanted to join and I told them not yet. Here are a list of reasons why I don't think I'll be joining the fire department:

-I don't know how to clean my fingernails with a 4" knife
-I didn't wear a ball cap to the meeting
-I don't know any dirty Anna Nicole Smith jokes
-I don't have a mustache

I offered to help Karla cook the meals and organize supplies and help out with fund raising. But I don't know if I EVER want to attend a meeting completely 'organized' by men ever again.


Anonymous said...


Kristenanne said...

make waves baby. I sit in those meetings and slowly but surely, I am changing the face of Marion through my presence as a strong woman. Don't let a bunch of mustache wearing, knife fingernail cleaning, dirty joke telling, ball cap wearing men keep you from joining if you want to. Love you!

Anonymous said...

so you are a fire man now?


... said...

Yes, Alex. He's a fireman. They still need to train him, but he's got all the gear. I can't stop shaking my head.