Sunday, November 11, 2007

Turkey Day

There was more hunting today, early in the morning. According to the stories, turkeys are very smart, and need to be ambushed in order to shoot them. Of course, as always happens, the Tom that Stephan startled earlier in the day was "at least twice as big" as this female. But the safety was on.

Isn't that always the way?

So, he plucked it, kinda, in the garage. Then ended up skinning it, and cutting in into pieces. It's soaking in water right now. We're not going to eat this for Thanksgiving, we're just going to experiment with cooking wild fowl for now. He can get another turkey later this fall if he wants to.

And, because this weekend was actually turning out to be pretty relaxing and fun for both of us, Stephan got called in to work the night shift tonight. He did get a little nap this afternoon, but he left at 5:15pm, not to return until about 7am tomorrow. He's technically on the schedule for Monday and Tuesday during the day, but the night shifts are open now tonight and tomorrow. I'm not complaining, just observing, that Stephan could be required to work 48 hours in a row. Technically.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that!

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