Thursday, September 7, 2017


6:30am Tokyo
I don't know if this is the type of experience to write about here or not but- I just took a shower... in my bathing suit. I don't know what makes me more uncomfortable: the fact that we are supposed to bathe together nude, or the fact that I couldn't do it.

2:00pm Edo Museum
Today I'm learning about space. The street shops are not on the street, they are 5-6 stories up. Stacked on top of each other. In the stalls of public bathrooms there is space just barely to turn around. On the subway we were packed in more tightly than I could ever have guessed we would be. And now I'm looking out at an enormous expanse of openness. The museum plaza is humbling to say the least. Enormous. Thousands of yards across and hundreds of feet from floor to the ceiling. Public space, including parks and museums, temples, and shrines, must be places of openness and reflection. At first I wondered why they would waste all this space when they desperately need housing. Actually, I still don't really know why. It was impressive and very moving: at once to feel so packed in with millions of people, yet stand in the middle of an "empty football field."

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