Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Mouse-ably Edible

With the emphasis on the Mouse. We think. The traps are out again, but Stephan keeps arguing that the poops I'm finding on the counter are just crumbs from rye bread. I'm not up for tasting them either, so don't even suggest it.

We're chillin' from our recent whirlwind visitors- Jason and Amanda. The photos are cute, the fossils are amazing, the football game was a riot (especially when 3 year old Jason realized that it was okay to scream, and started imitating the adults around him yelling, "GO!!!!!" at the appropriate times). We had one last warm day with 45 mile per hour winds on Sunday for the drive home. Now it's back to 20's and 30's with the same blowing wind.

Stephan's been studying to take a Trauma Nursing Course this week in Sydney. It means a raise for him if he passes, and 2 days of quiet contemplation for me. My Healing Touch Certification packet came back to me with a "Pending" rating, and I have quite a bit of revising to do over the next few days. If anyone out there knows of an 'alternative healing modality' within 300 miles of Baker, please email me with the phone number.

Other than that, we're back to our old, carousing selves for a while until my parents come to visit. Then the guns, knives, booze and tobacco will go back in the closet and we'll once again assume a façade of dignity.

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