Sunday, February 17, 2008

More about Cows

If there's something I've learned more than anything else out here, it's how much effort, love, and work goes into each and every cow/calf/steer/bull. Yesterday morning Stephan took me with him to help 'water' some cows. Luckily I wore boots. I had this picture of walking around in the dirt, petting and talking to the cows.

Not so.

We were only 'watering' four of the cows. Stephan filled the bucket with a hose, and the slowly creeped forward. They didn't get close enough to touch. AND- they don't lap up water like dogs. I saw their huge noses plunge in, and then the water level started steadily dropping. No slurping. No lapping. Just, sucking, as if through a straw. With their lips. How weird!

I spent some time with our rodeo friends, the loopie and the roughie, this weekend so I have more to post about the intricacies of those folk. Until I post it, enjoy this post from last year!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Dad and I saw something cute and we bought each of you one!
xx Mom

... said...

Mom... that has nothing to do with cows. Why didn't you just email me???

Anonymous said...

Because then readers wouldn’t be curious on what your mom got you two. What'ed you get?

... said...

I don't know yet. They haven't sent it. Last time they sent me a huge metal spider. I should take a photo.