Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why I Didn't Go to Vet School...

A Photo Documentary

First, a minnow in the sink. Why is this minnow in the sink? I do not know. It is dead. I am not ok with dead minnows in the sink.

Title: Dead minnow with Rice Pudding

Second, a mouseface on the living room carpet. Stephan took this photo, it's the view I had as I bent over to get a closer look at what I thought was a scrap of paper.

Title: MouseFace #1

This photo has been removed due to its graphic nature. Please Click Here to view it.

Third, the view of the mouseface that Stephan delighted in- the one where you can see the eyeballs. I personally can't look at this photo, but I'll subject you guys to it.

Title: MouseFace #2

This photo has been removed due to its graphic nature. Please Click Here to view it.

This is a photo of two of our cows! I can't really tell them apart, except that they have green ear tags and the rest have yellow. The little red calf isn't ours, she just jumped in the photo at the last minute.

Title: Moo & Cow

This is our third cow, the one with the frost-bit ears. She does not have an ear tag. She is very friendly (towards some people) and here you can see that she thinks that Fuzz has cake for her to eat. He does not. Note the position of her tongue- it's being tucked back into her mouth.

Title: Fuzz and Tongue

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The mousefaces are too much.