Sorry for the double post, I've wanted to do this for a while:
From Plevna to the nearest...
...McDonald's = 43.69 miles
...UPS Store = 93.7 miles
...Office Max = 215 miles
...Dairy Queen = 68.1 miles
...Taco Bell = 127 miles
...Wal-mart = 51.4 miles
...gas station = 18.4 miles store (Reynolds) = 19.5 miles = 0.5 miles
Holy Christ!!!
127 miles to Taco Bell??
I'm gonna have to start sending Stephan my burrito wrappers again.
127 miles to a TB is one thing....but 68.1 (note the all important .1) miles to a DAIRY QUEEN? IS that legal?
I'm confused, why is it bad to be so far from a DQ? It hasn't been warm enough for ice cream yet... but the dogs get cones when we go to the Big K drive up!
It is NEVER to cold for Dairy Queen....never.
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