Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dropping the 'F' bomb

I had it. I just couldn't take any more. I'd seen too much. Things were getting out of control.

So I made Stephan clear the house of animals, cover all the food-prep items, and take a day out of the house... after dropping the fog bomb to kill all the bugs. The clean up several hours later involved finding buckets full of spiders. Dead. Good. Huge wolf spiders, and lots of Pholcidae.

Then, inevitably, someone smart comes along and says, "yeah, this is a good time to bomb, but you should do it again in a few weeks after the babies are born."




Anonymous said...

Anna - Spiders are considered good luck in some countries. Here in the greater chicago area, I find they help keep down the mosquito population. .... and the babies are soooooo cute.

Uncle John

... said...

Yes, I KNOW all that. Seriously, a wonderful woman once told me a story about spiders building webs to cover the hiding places of searched-for people during World War 2. It touched my heart. It did. And they do wonderful jobs at killing crickets in the house. We don't have many mosquitos here (not too much water), but still...