Sunday, September 9, 2007

Making my Dad proud with every post....

Fact #1: We live in Montana

Fact #2: We don't have TV

Fact #3: We do have the internet

Fact #4: We can stream TV, movies, music, even conference calls

Fact #5: According to the NFL we live in a "restricted territory" and cannot stream football

Question: Wtf?

Restricted territory?! What does that mean? If you check out nfl.gamepass you will see a list of restricted territories: the US, Canada, Mexico... I would like to know where on the planet I would need to be to stream NFL games. Why is this web page even in English?

Breathing. Slowly. In. Out. I guess I'll just have to refresh the Bears home page every few minutes to keep up to date. Stephan's working today anyway- so I guess we'll both just have to keep breathing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They probably would have won if you were able to watch. :( I'm sorry you are restricted. They should make a Halmark card that says that.