Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Open letter of apology to my mom


Remember when I was little and you were always asking me to clean up? Sometimes I would be a brat and ask, "WHY?" and you would say, "Just in case someone stops by." Back then, I thought that it was just silly- no one was going to just 'stop by' without calling first. And as I got older, and lived in apartments and houses near the city, this ideology was confirmed. No one just 'stops by' anymore. So I was safe. The house just needed to be clean enough that you had enough time to straighten up when your geographically closest friend called to say they were coming over. No worries!

Mom, I was wrong. People do 'stop by'. Especially here. I'm learning to always have the dishes clean, dog hair vacuumed off the chairs, clothes put away (the neighbors really don't care what my underware looks like, so having it on the kitchen table just isn't required), and at least something in the fridge to offer guests. Gross bathroom? Not when the mayor or superintendant of schools could stop by in the evening just to say hi. Mom, you were right, the mayor could come over without notice.

I'm going to clean my room right now.



Anonymous said...

...ha, ha,'re so funny, Anna!
xx Mom
PS. I thought I told you we were cleaning up for the burglers, tho!

Anonymous said...
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