Sunday, August 10, 2008

Paparazzi Not Invited


FAQ: How's Fire Season going?

Answer: We've been gone so much this summer that Stephan's managed to miss every single fire they've had. That is, until this very afternoon. We'd just woken up from a Sunday afternoon nap and turned on Southpark when a storm hit, lightening flared, and the radio began squawking. It's about 4pm so at least I'm already wide awake and have plenty of things to do to keep my mind off of the fire. The rain has stopped which means they won't get that assistance any more.

I took a few photos of him in uniform, putting his shoes on, pacing around the house before the call came in, but he told me I'm not allowed to post them. However, I'm sneaky like this and I'd just like to remind you of this post from last year when there was a fire. It's a bad angle, he really doesn't have a beer belly at all, just the pooch of the shirt. Enjoy!

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