Monday, February 26, 2007


I figured that I might as well post something, since I've been sitting in front of the compter most of the day, refreshing the Illinois Division of Professional Regulation License Look-up page constantly. I've been wanting to post about two things for a while- one is the old, "if I could have changed anything about this move, what would I change?" The answer to that one is simple- I would have packed more. I would have been just slightly more prepared. I would have carried more than 5 days of underware with me, more comfort items, like pillows and conditioner. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be too prepared. As my mom has always pointed out, the only kid who's mom brought an extra set of clothes to the zoo is the only kid who falls in the goat pond.

Which brings me to my second thought. My Dad used to tell us stories as kids, right before bedtime. One of these stories, and it's one of my favorites, was "Super Goldilocks." Never heard of it? Well, it's Goldilocks, but instead of coming upon a clean house and messing it up, she comes upon a messy house and cleans it until it shines. Why have I been thinking about this? Because for the last 3 weeks I've been completely unable to sit still. I've done laundry as soon as it was dirty, reorganized the cupboard upstairs in the kitchen, cleaned our bathroom every few days, and organized, and reorganized our pile of bills/important papers/things to do. Somewhere in my little impressionable head, Super Goldilocks became an idol. If you see something that needs to be done, go ahead and do it.

I really hope this hasn't annoyed our guests too much. But I do think it's about time for me find a job.

Trivia: For many years, outside the Prairie Schooner Restaurant located in which Montana town, were tourists entertained by two 12-foot tall oxen statues that would 'urinate' whenever someone in the restaurant turned the secret handle?


Kristenanne said...

oooh oooh...pick me!
3 Forks Montana
Can we go visit the peeing oxen's?
Yes please!

Kristenanne said...

dang, they bulldozed it! Dangnabit

Anonymous said...

I already knew you were a 'cleaner' (which makes me wonder how you lived with me and Kristen for a year), but this entry helped me to understand why you are the way you are. Mr. Gavula, if you are reading this, maybe you should quit your day job and start writing children's books. Just a suggestion. No comment on the peeing oxen and the fact that tourists are entertained to watch them.